
Big Corporate Visit Today…I called out :)

I have the sick time and actually got food poisoning from sashimi I had last night (oops) but I hate how the thought of calling out brings me dread DESPITE having the sick time for it. Management pulls you aside the day you return to work to remind you how calling out “leaves your coworkers with more work” and it’s like????? I have sick time, unless you want me throwing up sushi for corporate to watch during their visit, I don’t want to hear it! It’s just a shame I know I’m going to REALLY get a rant for it when I go in for work again because today happens to be a day corporate is coming. Don’t guilt trip me when I already feel gross from being sick

I have the sick time and actually got food poisoning from sashimi I had last night (oops) but I hate how the thought of calling out brings me dread DESPITE having the sick time for it. Management pulls you aside the day you return to work to remind you how calling out “leaves your coworkers with more work” and it’s like????? I have sick time, unless you want me throwing up sushi for corporate to watch during their visit, I don’t want to hear it! It’s just a shame I know I’m going to REALLY get a rant for it when I go in for work again because today happens to be a day corporate is coming. Don’t guilt trip me when I already feel gross from being sick

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