
College Perpetuates the Current Working Conditions of the United States

Pretty much title, because HOLY SHIT did this really hit yesterday. Long story short, I very much dislike school and for my mental health, I decided to decrease my class load. Because of this, I was required to take up a different but lower hour class. This class is essentially a class about “exploring the joyous work world”. ​ And I knew, from the moment that I started this class (and from a while before), that college is one of the GREATEST hinderances to creating free-minded, loving people. Although I won't name drop (because I don't feel as it is truly needed), this college is supposed to be one of the TOP colleges that provides an education for the working world. EVERY SINGLE THING that these schools teach is based around (at the very heart) a highly competitive, exploitative mindset. Students at my college work ALL the time, and then…

Pretty much title, because HOLY SHIT did this really hit yesterday.

Long story short, I very much dislike school and for my mental health, I decided to decrease my class load. Because of this, I was required to take up a different but lower hour class. This class is essentially a class about “exploring the joyous work world”.

And I knew, from the moment that I started this class (and from a while before), that college is one of the GREATEST hinderances to creating free-minded, loving people. Although I won't name drop (because I don't feel as it is truly needed), this college is supposed to be one of the TOP colleges that provides an education for the working world. EVERY SINGLE THING that these schools teach is based around (at the very heart) a highly competitive, exploitative mindset. Students at my college work ALL the time, and then drown themselves in mind numbing pleasures during every moment of free time!

I stopped doing this. With a lighter class load, and more “free time” to do what I want to do (spend time outside, meditate, do yoga and go to the gym, read, just enjoy life) I feel better than ever before.

And I find this funny, because the culture here is that you work really fucking hard and then you party really fucking hard and then you'll be happy! What a joke, and what a convoluted way to live life.

And this lifestyle is meant to be extrapolated into our later adult lives!

In a seminar yesterday, the speaker stated, “Students of _________ university are known work hard, and not complain when there is extra work to do!”


Unfortunately, most of the problem comes from the whole “Give them food and a show” mindset that the upper, upper class has perpetuated. My generation doesn't see that we are being ripped off in front of our eyes.

Btw, if the collapse doesn't happen by the time that I end my “college career” (after transferring three times), I'm starting it myself.

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