
“Why isn’t my pizza ready? Oh you’re working the store alone? No excuse!”

This customer that walked in said this bullshit just now Sir where do you get the audacity??? I’m a manager at a pizza joint making $15/hr right now and it’s very common for them to make me run the entire store by myself. It’s possible, but not practical. I answer phones, place orders, slap out dough, construct pizzas, watch the ovens, ensure there’s enough boxes folded, enough dipping sauces up front, etc. Its not that hard a job in my opinion but it is strenuous when you’re by yourself. And obviously that means wait times will be higher. I am one person. You can wait without disrespecting my job, let alone while I am servicing you.

This customer that walked in said this bullshit just now Sir where do you get the audacity???

I’m a manager at a pizza joint making $15/hr right now and it’s very common for them to make me run the entire store by myself. It’s possible, but not practical. I answer phones, place orders, slap out dough, construct pizzas, watch the ovens, ensure there’s enough boxes folded, enough dipping sauces up front, etc. Its not that hard a job in my opinion but it is strenuous when you’re by yourself. And obviously that means wait times will be higher. I am one person. You can wait without disrespecting my job, let alone while I am servicing you.

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