
Why do companies get to write the offer salary for a position? why cant we send them our offer for our labor?

Its always the same way around, which puts all the cards into their hands. They post their job adverts, with either a large range of salary or no salary listed at all. Then we have to spend our time applying, usually getting no response. When it does come time for an interview, we are asked our expected salary, which is then ignored in favour of however low the company thinks they can pay to get you. Sure you can try to counter offer but that will offend most recruiters to the point they drop you, or move on to the next desperate chump who will hopefully take their non-market rate offer… It should work the other way around, we should post our profiles including expected salary, then the company can come to us. Or we can just find a job opening, and send our offer letters to the company directly.…

Its always the same way around, which puts all the cards into their hands. They post their job adverts, with either a large range of salary or no salary listed at all. Then we have to spend our time applying, usually getting no response.

When it does come time for an interview, we are asked our expected salary, which is then ignored in favour of however low the company thinks they can pay to get you. Sure you can try to counter offer but that will offend most recruiters to the point they drop you, or move on to the next desperate chump who will hopefully take their non-market rate offer…

It should work the other way around, we should post our profiles including expected salary, then the company can come to us.
Or we can just find a job opening, and send our offer letters to the company directly.

I dont want to play the job seeker game so heavily rigged in favour of the employers anymore. Take a stand and demand the salary that you deserve directly, and the rest of the hiring process can be done after that.

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