
Can’t give too many details, but this underscores how much I can’t stand large corporations.

I'm going to keep this as anonymous as I can, since I live in an at-will state and I don't want to risk having someone potentially lose their income. A person I know (not me, I'm self employed for reasons like this) works for a rather large company. Their position within the company requires they have a doctorate in their field. The pay isn't bad at all, and this person is actually one of the higher paid people in their field. To preface, this person has not received a pay raise since they started working at the company, which was 8 years ago. Recently the company has been using this person as a “fixer”. They get sent to stores that are failing with the intent of them getting the store running properly again. This person is very good at their job, and is able to fix these stores. This does…

I'm going to keep this as anonymous as I can, since I live in an at-will state and I don't want to risk having someone potentially lose their income.

A person I know (not me, I'm self employed for reasons like this) works for a rather large company. Their position within the company requires they have a doctorate in their field. The pay isn't bad at all, and this person is actually one of the higher paid people in their field.

To preface, this person has not received a pay raise since they started working at the company, which was 8 years ago.

Recently the company has been using this person as a “fixer”. They get sent to stores that are failing with the intent of them getting the store running properly again.

This person is very good at their job, and is able to fix these stores. This does require a whole extra level of effort on their part, but it gets done and the store is stable with upward trends within a year of them being there.

This person recently transferred to another store, and was chatting with the person who took over their position in the previous store.

The replacement brought up that the company gave them a 5 figure bonus to take over the store. The replacement also only makes about 7% less than the person I know.

The person I know has never received any bonuses for taking over a store, so they asked the person they report to about it. They were then informed that the bonus was supposed to be confidential.

Corporate. Bullshit. At. Its. Finest.

Just wanted to vent mostly, but if anyone has suggestions that wouldn't result in income loss for the person I know, I'm willing to listen.

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