My partner has been working at the same office for three years and it's been a pretty toxic environment (I used to work there too but left because I couldn't stand it). My partner is pretty good about just letting the drama and bs go, but today their manager sat them and some coworkers down and told them they aren't allowed to ask eachother questions about what they're working on or really talk in general. Apparntly when they have a question (no matter how small) they're supposed to ask their supervisor. That system would be great if the supervisors didn't give a different answer on policy everytime you ask. Literally every day they change the rules and send passive aggressive emails to people who have “broken” new rules that they didn't even know about. There's no consistency and the managers constantly talk shit about employees behind their backs. Im just really frustrated for my partner and they're going to start looking for a new job. Just wanted to vent.