
Salary Transparency is Crucial – New Hire At Work Getting Paid +20% More

If been following this sub for a while and I have an interesting scenario that unfolded at work this week… My department was hiring a new person after a long search and it was leaked to us how much his offer was.. $15K MORE than the rest of us with the same job. The way we found out: our boss was sharing her screen on a team meeting and the offer email WAS IN AN OPEN TAB! Just a gut punch. I’m not sure if it was because she noticed we saw the screen share, but the next day my boss tells me to expect good news and I think I’m getting a big bump in pay or at least getting matched. This morning I’m told I’m getting a 3% raise, which is still less than new person. I’m not one to complain about a raise, but team morale is…

If been following this sub for a while and I have an interesting scenario that unfolded at work this week…

My department was hiring a new person after a long search and it was leaked to us how much his offer was.. $15K MORE than the rest of us with the same job. The way we found out: our boss was sharing her screen on a team meeting and the offer email WAS IN AN OPEN TAB! Just a gut punch.

I’m not sure if it was because she noticed we saw the screen share, but the next day my boss tells me to expect good news and I think I’m getting a big bump in pay or at least getting matched. This morning I’m told I’m getting a 3% raise, which is still less than new person. I’m not one to complain about a raise, but team morale is now super low and I feel none of us will get on with this new hire knowing they make much more for the same job.

This is the reason why everyone needs to be transparent with salary. Safe to say most of us will be looking to go elsewhere now…

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