
Contacting someone’s job to get them fired shows how enslaved we are.

It’s insane honestly. You don’t like something someone said or did so you tell their ‘master’ hoping they will lose their livelihood. Losing a job today because of a social justice warrior has the potential to ruin your life. Imagine ruining someone’s life over 140 characters on the internet. One mistake and you can literally lose everything in a matter of days. It’s disgusting how much of a hold corporations have on us that people complaining about your social life can lead to isolation and homelessness

It’s insane honestly. You don’t like something someone said or did so you tell their ‘master’ hoping they will lose their livelihood.

Losing a job today because of a social justice warrior has the potential to ruin your life. Imagine ruining someone’s life over 140 characters on the internet.

One mistake and you can literally lose everything in a matter of days. It’s disgusting how much of a hold corporations have on us that people complaining about your social life can lead to isolation and homelessness

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