
i was fired for something i did not do – at-will employment – a cautionary tale!

warning: kinda long this is why it is a good idea to leave an employer on good terms April 2017 to November 2018 i started a position as a legal secretary for a small employment law firm (We'll call them The Law Firm). they represent the employer, not the employee. there were about 10 lawyers, and 4 legal assistants. i was the youngest of the legal assistants. i worked hard, was much more tech savvy, and i was NOT in the mood for office gossip (as the much older, long-term legal assistants were). these ladies were awful to me behind my back and to my face. they also made it a point to gossip and make fun of our HR lady. eventually, i got sick of their sh*t, and spoke to the HR lady, explaining the extent of the gossip and catty behavior. HR lady called a meeting of all…

warning: kinda long

this is why it is a good idea to leave an employer on good terms

April 2017 to November 2018

i started a position as a legal secretary for a small employment law firm (We'll call them The Law Firm). they represent the employer, not the employee. there were about 10 lawyers, and 4 legal assistants. i was the youngest of the legal assistants. i worked hard, was much more tech savvy, and i was NOT in the mood for office gossip (as the much older, long-term legal assistants were). these ladies were awful to me behind my back and to my face. they also made it a point to gossip and make fun of our HR lady. eventually, i got sick of their sh*t, and spoke to the HR lady, explaining the extent of the gossip and catty behavior.

HR lady called a meeting of all the legal assistants and had a crying breakdown, scolding all of us for perpetuating rumors and gossip and otherwise bad behavior. when we all left the meeting, Legal Assistant Susan screamed at me in front of the other legal assistants, “All this started when you came on board! You should just get the f*ck out of here!” pointing her finger, in my face, screaming, swearing – and no other legal assistant stopped it and chuckled and snickered as it was happening. i reported the confrontation to one of the partners in charge.

a week later, the Law Firm partners concluded their investigation. i was told that my story didn't check out, that Susan did not scream at me, and in fact i was the one who instigated the confrontation. i was not emotionally ready to be gaslit like this, and went outside to have a cigarette. i was hysterical, and a fellow smoker called a local mental health organization that comes to your location to help people in need. unbeknownst to him, this organization does not come into the city limits, and instead sends the police. i was subsequently handcuffed, put in the back of a police car, and taken to a mental health facility.

i immediately began a 3-month short-term disability in august 2018. during this time, i received the mental health care i apparently needed. i also searched for another job because i did not want to go back to that employer. i did not find work, and was preparing to return to that office in november 2018. instead, i received a letter in the mail stating that employer “reevaluated the administrative team and my position was eliminated.”

i eventually got another job with an accounting firm, in which i thrived.

December 2021

after working from home for nearly two years due to the pandemic, i decided to take my chances and find another job thanks to the encouraging stories on r/antiwork. i interviewed for a small company (we'll call them Train Company) that was in the same 12-floor building as the above employer. it was a significant increase in salary, and a perfect fit for my qualifications. i accepted their offer and began working Train Company on December 20.

i was nervous about running into employees from The Law Firm. i didn't want to have that uncomfortable elevator conversation, since three years went by since i was phased out of The Law Firm. every day i went in the building, i kept my hood up, mask on, sunglasses on, and avoided everyone at all costs.

i thought i was in the clear!!! what a wonderful new job with a fantastic salary and potential to travel a few times a year!

on February 18, i came into the building and one of the cool security guards pulled me aside, “there have been employees from The Law Firm reporting you to building management. they are saying you are walking up to them and harassing them.” of course this wasn't true. there are security cameras all over the lobby.

i wanted to get ahead of the story, so i told my current employer, The Train Company, that there are rumors being reported to building management from The Law Firm that are not true.

on February 25, i was fired. The Train Company said that building management told them there were reports that i was harassing employees from The Law Firm. The Train Company said that their reputation was too important. the official reason for my termination: unprofessional conduct and dishonesty.

i understand at-will employment. you can be fired for any reason. but i never thought you could be fired for rumors and something that unequivocally DID NOT HAPPEN. there was no proof provided that any harassment happened, even with the security cameras in the building. why? BECAUSE IT DID NOT HAPPEN.

i have been trying to find another job. i submitted my resume to a recruiter and left The Train Company off it altogether since i was only there for 2 months. there was a position that was PERFECT, but i did not know who the company was. the recruiter responded back to me via email with her client's response. 1) her client was The Train Company and 2) The Train Company's response indicated that i was “the troublemaker who was terminated on February 25 and i am shocked that she would have the nerve to apply to this position.”

the recruiter will not work with me anymore. in fact, i cannot find a job at all. my unemployment has not been determined because of the backlog from the pandemic claims. my savings paid for my march rent. i donated a bunch of plasma and sold some things on craigslist for april's rent. i do not have may's rent, nor any prospects at this time to get that money together. i suspect me and my cat will be evicted.

if you want to leave your current employer, make sure taht you don't have a bunch of old, disgruntled, grumpy women who have it out for you – even three years later. because apparently employees from a previous employer can report lies to building management, and you can be fired with absolutely no proof and no investigation.

yay at-will employment!

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