
My old job was posted with full time, benefits, and a pay raise (exactly what I asked for before leaving)

I worked at a museum for almost a year. Started as their equivalent of a security guard and got trained in other areas (working with school groups, special events, etc.). After a while, I was the go-to lead for special events. When a new job as a “Facility Rental Manager” opened up, I was encouraged to apply. I had previously applied for another position within the museum (one I was more than qualified for) but was denied in favor of bringing in a new face. I applied for the manager job because I was under the impression that it was basically the same as what I was already doing just with full time hours, benefits, and big pay raise. Found out minutes after my “interview” they had already hired a new person from outside the museum for the job. My “interview” was basically just assuring me that they appreciated me…

I worked at a museum for almost a year. Started as their equivalent of a security guard and got trained in other areas (working with school groups, special events, etc.). After a while, I was the go-to lead for special events.

When a new job as a “Facility Rental Manager” opened up, I was encouraged to apply. I had previously applied for another position within the museum (one I was more than qualified for) but was denied in favor of bringing in a new face.

I applied for the manager job because I was under the impression that it was basically the same as what I was already doing just with full time hours, benefits, and big pay raise.

Found out minutes after my “interview” they had already hired a new person from outside the museum for the job. My “interview” was basically just assuring me that they appreciated me and I had room for growth and so on (the same thing they did to me with the previous job I applied for). I started looking for a new job right then.

Found one where I make double and get full time, benefits, and all that good stuff. Put in my 2 weeks and peaced out. They all seemed shocked and like this came out of nowhere.

Got a text from a friend who still works for the museum. They had just posted what was essentially my job with a new title, full time hours, and a pay raise.

I still make double at my new job and I'm not sorry I left, but it just baffles me that they trained me for this job, encouraged me to apply, and then pulled the rug out from under my feet like that.

I was talking to a friend about it and they just couldn't understand why the museum did that.
To me, it just tells me that they knew they were taking advantage of me and underpaying me. They used me for 30 hours a week at $16/hr. for as long as they could because I was already there and they could tell me no when I asked for more. But they knew that no one else would look at that job and accept those conditions. And yet they still act surprised and confused when good people don't last long with them.

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