
Breastfeeding Beef

This happened a few years ago. I was working as a Middle School Social Studies teacher. I enjoyed my job and the kids, I had great relationships with colleges, but the worst administrator even!!! It was my 5th year teaching at this school in an impoverished area. I was pregnant with my first child, who was due at the beginning of the next school year. I approached my principle in March (a woman in her 40s with children of her own) and requested a 3rd or 4th period prep for the following year so that I could pump breast milk after I returned from maternity leave. That would be mid morning and I could pump again at the end of the school day so I'd have enough to give my daycare provider (an old college who quit after undergoing horrible treatment by the same administrator). This was a perfectly reasonable…

This happened a few years ago. I was working as a Middle School Social Studies teacher. I enjoyed my job and the kids, I had great relationships with colleges, but the worst administrator even!!!

It was my 5th year teaching at this school in an impoverished area. I was pregnant with my first child, who was due at the beginning of the next school year. I approached my principle in March (a woman in her 40s with children of her own) and requested a 3rd or 4th period prep for the following year so that I could pump breast milk after I returned from maternity leave. That would be mid morning and I could pump again at the end of the school day so I'd have enough to give my daycare provider (an old college who quit after undergoing horrible treatment by the same administrator).

This was a perfectly reasonable request, no schedules had been made yet, however the principle flat out told me no. We had a rotating prep system and since I had 4th period prep this year I had to have 5th period prep next year. I tried to explain that I had a right to pump milk and that doing it on my prep period was already sacrificing my preparation time.

She flat out told me she didn't care. And I should just do it at lunch. I explained that I would be uncomfortable engorged and needed a mid morning break and afternoon and that it was my legal right. I even tried to appeal to her motherly side and she laughed it off and said that if she didn't get that right when she had a kid I don't deserve that right.

Well, my best friend is a lawyer so I knew what to do. I went back to my classroom and emailed the principle my request, which she quickly denied. I saved the email, knowing i'd need it. Next year schedule comes out and sure enough I have a 5th period prep. I go to the new administration (the other lady had been promoted!) and request the change. I'm denied because that would mess up the entire schedule at this point. I take it up to HR in the district and bring along my emails, with date stamps, and a printout of the laws protecting breastfeeding women in California.

After some pleading (they asked me to formula feed instead!) They had to comply, but by then it was too late, and since I had made my request in a reasonable time frame, they had to hire a sub everyday to cover my 3rd period class so I could go to a reserved conference room with a locked door and pump. (Technically I was suppose to have access to fresh running water and a refrigerator, but I didn't want to push my luck)

I got my 5th period prep as well.

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