
Anyone Here Train New Hires?

I’m just curious what your thoughts are. For me it’s an exhausting process and kind of a thankless task. It’s not the fault of the people I train it’s just my job requires about 5 weeks of shadowing before someone is really ready to work on their own. And even then it’s still a lot of questions that I get back that I’m helping them with. The people I train are on the same level as me. I kind of had a little bit of an anger spell come over me this week. I’m just now getting done with training someone and then out of the blue I get the message that I’ve been assigned to train our other new hire. I had been told this was going to be done by someone else a few weeks ago but now that’s my task. To say I was furious might be…

I’m just curious what your thoughts are. For me it’s an exhausting process and kind of a thankless task. It’s not the fault of the people I train it’s just my job requires about 5 weeks of shadowing before someone is really ready to work on their own. And even then it’s still a lot of questions that I get back that I’m helping them with. The people I train are on the same level as me.

I kind of had a little bit of an anger spell come over me this week. I’m just now getting done with training someone and then out of the blue I get the message that I’ve been assigned to train our other new hire. I had been told this was going to be done by someone else a few weeks ago but now that’s my task. To say I was furious might be an understatement. It’s an exhausting process to do this and now this is my 6th time I’ve done it in about 18 months. We have 7 full time employees on this fairly new team and now when this is over I will have been responsible for training 5 out of the other 6 on my team.

I don’t want to leave this job because I can work from home pretty much 80% of the time and it doesn’t require me to be on the phone. But I feel like I’ve become a doormat for my management to put all this work on my plate when other people could help out. But I know the reason is they don’t trust anyone to do it as well as me. I feel like I’m essentially doing management responsibilities when I don’t want to be in a manager role. I know that my role is best served as just a contributor not a leader. I’m not very vocal and struggle with anxiety and imposter syndrome so I know that a management role would not be good for my mental health. I’m just happy putting in my 40 hours a week and being done. Putting in all the hours I did in college caused me to get put on medication for anxiety. I was just glad to get out of that with a degree and get into any type of stable position. As I’ve struggled with mental health in the past this kind of stress is a big trigger for me to do training. I feel like I’ll get exposed for not knowing something.

I feel the only way I can stand up for myself at this point is to ride this through for another 5 weeks and then put on my performance review at the end of the year that I’ve done this work for the team and I feel like I deserve a bigger raise. Unless the job changes to where I’m required to go into the office more I don’t see myself leaving. It’s just a shitty feeling to get trapped in the situation I’m in to where I’m putting in more time and stressing to onboard people and it’s never anyone else that gets stuck with it. Sorry for the rant just wondering if anyone has been stuck in a similar situation and how you approached it.

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