
Pretty Frustrated and Depressed

Tldr; Boss is having a tough time finding employees, coworkers are paying the price. So this is going to be a rant post. I work in a retail / service setting and have been around for a while. At this current time we need staff more than anything else. Nearby businesses are all paying just as much or more for entry level positions that require no skillset ( food, gas, retail, etc ). Due to this, we basically get no applicants whatsoever, and when we do people usually don't take the position or are only looking for very very few hours. This has a negative effect on our staff who are there, its demoralizing. It feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel and honestly I'm just getting burnt out / desensitized to all of it. Thankfully I'm in a position where I'm not being forced…

Tldr; Boss is having a tough time finding employees, coworkers are paying the price.

So this is going to be a rant post. I work in a retail / service setting and have been around for a while. At this current time we need staff more than anything else. Nearby businesses are all paying just as much or more for entry level positions that require no skillset ( food, gas, retail, etc ). Due to this, we basically get no applicants whatsoever, and when we do people usually don't take the position or are only looking for very very few hours. This has a negative effect on our staff who are there, its demoralizing.

It feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel and honestly I'm just getting burnt out / desensitized to all of it. Thankfully I'm in a position where I'm not being forced to work overtime, but I'm not sure how long until it's at least asked of me. Have not received a raise since 2020 and honestly, the business probably can't afford to give me one. I would consider leaving, but I love this job and I have compassion for our business owner. I don't want to see this ship sink, but I also feel terrible for the people who are working here and being abused inadvertently.

Things have been very slow recently so now we are finally able to make some changes / progress, but that is bittersweet at best. Changes due to good staffing are awesome, changes because we are all sitting around with our thumbs up our asses is terrible. I've considered changing my lifestyle, eating cheaper, splurging / saving less, and just going to get a job at somewhere like Walmart where I can stock shelves and be a drone. At this point that sounds like a dream to me.

As much as I love my job its taking a toll on me mentally. A workplace I once loved is now dreadful to me, and it is no fault of my colleagues even though I don't show that well. I want to be optimistic, I want things to get better, but I wouldn't even reccomend my family or friends to apply here.

With so many jobs on the market, and pay being so similar to jobs that require much less skill, how could we ever get “back to normal”. We've been operating on a modified schedule for so long I don't think anyone would even want to get back to the longer days, not that we have the staff to accommodate anyways. I feel hopeless and without help.

Obviously I am thankful to have a steady income and want the business to succeed so we can all prosper, but if the place next door is paying more or the same amount for a new person…. how can I not be constantly reminded of that.

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