
The Niece

My niece is a tender-hearted lady with a kind soul and disposition. An innocent in the ways of life. She got her first job a few years ago working at a bakery. The owners are these two crones that at first were kind to her but as the first year passed, they became cruel by taking advantage of my niece's naivete in the ways of life and how people could manipulate you. They made her stay hours after her shift ended working so much that her hands would ache when she would get home. My niece had never had a job before and this being her first one, felt obligated to keep working there because as the crones would tell her “We are a family.” One day, after working there for around 3 or 4 years, her mother called me. She was worried about her daughter because she knew that…

My niece is a tender-hearted lady with a kind soul and disposition. An innocent in the ways of life. She got her first job a few years ago working at a bakery. The owners are these two crones that at first were kind to her but as the first year passed, they became cruel by taking advantage of my niece's naivete in the ways of life and how people could manipulate you.

They made her stay hours after her shift ended working so much that her hands would ache when she would get home. My niece had never had a job before and this being her first one, felt obligated to keep working there because as the crones would tell her “We are a family.”

One day, after working there for around 3 or 4 years, her mother called me. She was worried about her daughter because she knew that she was getting manipulated into staying at this job that was a horror for her. She tried to tell her daughter that they were manipulators but she wouldn’t listen. She knew that I, her uncle, could talk some sense into her. After all, it was I who years ago convinced her to look for a job, and make some steps in life that she was reluctant to due to her shyness. Her mother told me that the crones were very cruel to her and that sometimes they would yell at her.

I honestly had to control myself from flying in from another state and kicking down their door and getting my niece the hell out of there, but she needed to learn a lesson in life that not all people are “your friends” and to be tough. I flew down to where she lived and had a meeting with her. I asked her to tell me about her situation. She told me that she had been working there for years, but she felt guilty for wanting to leave because they needed her so badly.

They had told her that the business would shut down if she left. I informed her that they were manipulating her and that what her mother had been telling her was true. People are like that sometimes when they know that they have a slave under their foot. I informed her that she was a slave to them and those crones were making a lot of money off of her hard work. I forced her to say “I hate my job!” “I am going to quit my job!” out loud. Even saying it, she felt guilty.

She needed to make the decision and be tough and get the hell out of there. I told her that I would speak with her mother and father and that they would do their best to help her look for another job but that she had to make the effort to get out of there and get out of that situation.
I told her that when she got another job, she should turn in her 2 weeks’ notice to be professional, but the two-week notice, was only a courtesy. I told her that if they spoke one bad word to her or yelled at her that she should walk out the door and flip them the bird as she did it.

A couple of weeks passed and she was able to get an interview at a really nice high-class bakery not too far from her home. It would be doing something that she loved doing in that bakery and it would be regular hours. It turns out that the owner of the bakery was a friend of a friend.

They offered her a job with better pay and my niece accepted it. She called me because she was scared to tell her current employers that she was leaving. Humans can be so cruel and evil sometimes. Especially to someone with a good soul. They will take advantage of someone like that. I told my niece that there's going to be a process with these crones: First, they're going to cry crocodile tears and get angry. I told her to not pay attention to it. Then they're going to tell her that they're going to shut down the business because they can't live without her slavery. Then they're going to come back and say that they're going to make her a better offer but, in the end, they won't offer her anything so don't fall for it. I also warned her that if they did come back with an offer, to not take it.

Sure enough, everything happened exactly like I said. They cried crocodile tears and got angry. One of the Crone's said that they were going to have to shut down now. And then they promised to come back with an offer. But after 2 weeks, no offer. She told me that I had been right about the how they would act and that she had learned a couple of valuable lessons. I told her “They were angry because the knew that you had reclaimed your power back and that they had no more power over you.”

On the last day when they had her paycheck, she had to pry it from the crone’s hand. When she got home that day, she called me giggling and laughing. She was so happy. She wouldn't start the next job for another 3 weeks so she was going to be going to the pool and the beach as much as she could. She giggled on the phone as she sipped a beer next to the pool with her sweet dog.

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