
Reported to HR

My manager is very insecure and regularly says things like “I can see how that would be confusing” or “this isn’t finger wagging but” or he’ll assign me work/responsibility and then take it away if the deliverable isn’t exactly how he wanted it. He also regularly undermines or subverts my work. He’ll talk about me and my work with other employees/peers in my absence and make decisions about my responsibilities without telling me or disclosing a backup plan for how the work will be conducted. Just recently he told HR that I had moved to Mexico. I have a second home in Mexico, my wife is Mexican and my kids are duel citizens. I have been working from Mexico but come back to the states on the weekends. I have not moved to Mexico but now HR thinks I have. HR is now mandating I work from the states and…

My manager is very insecure and regularly says things like “I can see how that would be confusing” or “this isn’t finger wagging but” or he’ll assign me work/responsibility and then take it away if the deliverable isn’t exactly how he wanted it. He also regularly undermines or subverts my work. He’ll talk about me and my work with other employees/peers in my absence and make decisions about my responsibilities without telling me or disclosing a backup plan for how the work will be conducted. Just recently he told HR that I had moved to Mexico. I have a second home in Mexico, my wife is Mexican and my kids are duel citizens. I have been working from Mexico but come back to the states on the weekends. I have not moved to Mexico but now HR thinks I have. HR is now mandating I work from the states and I have two weeks to do so and prove it. They want to see a passport stamp. Work tracks IP connections to work email/servers, etc and can see when employees are out of country.

So there’s two parts here. I don’t think there’s anything to be done about spending the work week in Mexico vs US – I think I have to be in the US during the work week but is there anything I could/should do about my manager? Working under him is super demeaning and toxic.

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