
I’m sick of people saying learn a trade.

Im tired of people saying shortages of trades” all over the internet? Unless your union, most tradesmen make an average income between 40-60k a year unless you have your own business. My father was an electrician and he had a hard time getting into the union WITH experience. They pick on favoritism. I’m not sure why so many Americans can’t understand that. If it was so easy to learn a trade no one would live in poverty. If anything my parents told me to go to college and not work in construction. Most people never worked outside a day in their life outside of cutting grass. Also most people complain about hot weather going outside for 5 minutes so can you imagine those same people working 8 hours a day in that? What about when people aren’t building houses? You guys(not you specifically) hear propaganda online and shove it down…

Im tired of people saying shortages of trades” all over the internet? Unless your union, most tradesmen make an average income between 40-60k a year unless you have your own business. My father was an electrician and he had a hard time getting into the union WITH experience. They pick on favoritism. I’m not sure why so many Americans can’t understand that. If it was so easy to learn a trade no one would live in poverty. If anything my parents told me to go to college and not work in construction. Most people never worked outside a day in their life outside of cutting grass. Also most people complain about hot weather going outside for 5 minutes so can you imagine those same people working 8 hours a day in that? What about when people aren’t building houses? You guys(not you specifically) hear propaganda online and shove it down people’s throats.

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