
Boss was a ‘company man’

Boss got layed off after 30yrs. Very decent man. His first job after graduadation. Hard working, proactive, smart. Knew the technology/business inside out. After amalgamation with a larger company, music stopped, no seat for him. Still hard to believe, knew our tech from the smallest screw to the largest instanstallation. Still trying to process the change (it's been 12mths+). Work for a European company (Finnish). Beware.

Boss got layed off after 30yrs. Very decent man. His first job after graduadation. Hard working, proactive, smart. Knew the technology/business inside out. After amalgamation with a larger company, music stopped, no seat for him. Still hard to believe, knew our tech from the smallest screw to the largest instanstallation. Still trying to process the change (it's been 12mths+). Work for a European company (Finnish). Beware.

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