
Eating with your boss and team, in a daily basis, in a obligated way… is this normal?

I have a question and I'm not so sure if this fits here but In my job my boss (and other 2 I had) always wanted to eat with their team, like all together, daily and if you did not show up you actually weren't being part of team, they say that you are not someone reliable (I mean come on, it doesn't have anything to do with my team work and my responsibilities who I want to eat) may be it's something cultural, maybe it's something from here I really want to know, is this normal for you too?

I have a question and I'm not so sure if this fits here but In my job my boss (and other 2 I had) always wanted to eat with their team, like all together, daily and if you did not show up you actually weren't being part of team, they say that you are not someone reliable (I mean come on, it doesn't have anything to do with my team work and my responsibilities who I want to eat) may be it's something cultural, maybe it's something from here I really want to know, is this normal for you too?

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