
I want to start a union at my store, what are the first steps?

So I work at a very popular red retail store in the US, whose name is the same as the thing you shoot at gun ranges (not trying to totally out myself here). I’m in a major city where the cost of living is high. We make $16.50/hr but me and all my coworkers barely get enough hours. I can barely pay rent. They’re borderline poverty wages. And although the store recently announced they were raising wages to $24/hr, we all know none of us are going to see those wages. It’ll just be a select few high level managers and the rest of us will be scrounging around for scraps. What are the first steps to start this? I don’t want to just go around asking coworkers about starting because I’m afraid I’ll get shut down real quick by managers. I’m in school too so I just want to…

So I work at a very popular red retail store in the US, whose name is the same as the thing you shoot at gun ranges (not trying to totally out myself here). I’m in a major city where the cost of living is high. We make $16.50/hr but me and all my coworkers barely get enough hours. I can barely pay rent. They’re borderline poverty wages. And although the store recently announced they were raising wages to $24/hr, we all know none of us are going to see those wages. It’ll just be a select few high level managers and the rest of us will be scrounging around for scraps.

What are the first steps to start this? I don’t want to just go around asking coworkers about starting because I’m afraid I’ll get shut down real quick by managers. I’m in school too so I just want to be able to work part time and still pay my rent at the very least. I shouldn’t have to work full time just to barely make rent at the end of the month. But even if I wanted to work full time I couldn’t because they don’t give us all enough hours.

Help me out?

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