
If you actually want to have ‘revolution’ or change, you need to move beyond ‘better wages’.

Reddits demographics tend to skew white, middle class american. I believe thts true for this subreddit as well. Im not here to shit on ppl for how they were born, but its important to think how tht effects your politics. Wage increases ARE good! I agree we should fight for small rights, strike for pay raises, ect. But, anyone who has read their history knows this will never be enough. If you are american (or western european). You live in the 'imperial core'. The center of a centuries old, global empire based on white supremacy, colonialism, imperialism and capitalism. Capitalism is just ONE part of this system. Yes, being a worker in america sucks. but if you want REAL, LASTING change. You cant just focus on yourself. Look to the ppl suffering more than you, they will be much more revolitionary than your average suburbanite. Undocumented immigrants, prison slaves, migrant…

Reddits demographics tend to skew white, middle class american. I believe thts true for this subreddit as well. Im not here to shit on ppl for how they were born, but its important to think how tht effects your politics.

Wage increases ARE good! I agree we should fight for small rights, strike for pay raises, ect. But, anyone who has read their history knows this will never be enough.

If you are american (or western european). You live in the 'imperial core'. The center of a centuries old, global empire based on white supremacy, colonialism, imperialism and capitalism. Capitalism is just ONE part of this system.

Yes, being a worker in america sucks. but if you want REAL, LASTING change. You cant just focus on yourself. Look to the ppl suffering more than you, they will be much more revolitionary than your average suburbanite.

Undocumented immigrants, prison slaves, migrant workers and poor workers of color, indigenous nations (who are still here after centuries of genocide). These colonized peoples will be the core of the revolution in the settler state we call the USA. Not some disgruntled white suburbanites.

Thats not to say white ex-middle class ppl cant be revolutionary, but its much easier for white ppl to be co-opted in white supremacy (thts the whole point).

So please, think beyond simply quitting your job and asking for free healthcare. those things ARE good. But if we get better healthcare and higher wages tomorrow, but we still have millions of prison slaves making our furniture, well thats not much of a revolution is it?

edit- if you find this offensive plz read about “white fragility”

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