
I feel guilty for my salary

I have a confession, I feel guilty for the salary that I make in my current line of work. I’m not rich by any means but I make a decent enough salary to not want for much. The reason I feel guilty is because I feel like the work I do could be done by most moderately intelligent people and it’s not very taxing at all. I don’t have to be very physically active during my work hours, I can take my time to work through my projects, and the biggest kicker is that I have 0 customers to interact with. Hell, even some days I downright enjoy my job. I honestly feel like the people that should be earning my kind of salary are the ones that bust their ass every day at a customer facing job and have to put on a fake smile every day just so…

I have a confession, I feel guilty for the salary that I make in my current line of work. I’m not rich by any means but I make a decent enough salary to not want for much. The reason I feel guilty is because I feel like the work I do could be done by most moderately intelligent people and it’s not very taxing at all. I don’t have to be very physically active during my work hours, I can take my time to work through my projects, and the biggest kicker is that I have 0 customers to interact with. Hell, even some days I downright enjoy my job. I honestly feel like the people that should be earning my kind of salary are the ones that bust their ass every day at a customer facing job and have to put on a fake smile every day just so they can be spit on and yelled at by every Karen out there. Those are the people who should be making the princely sums that us degreed people make. They are the true hero’s of our every day existence, not some process engineer. I had my fair share of time in those soul sucking customer facing positions and I slogged my way through my degree just so I could play the game. But, I tip my hat to the people that are good at dealing with customers and are able to go to work every day without breaking down.

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