
I asked for a raise and was let go; I’m devastated.

I work in trades, and am (well, was now I guess) employed by a contractor in an industrial setting. I work on projects in an industrial setting, when that project is complete I’m sent to a different plant for a new project. I haven’t gotten a raise since starting this career as a first year apprentice; I now have enough hours to be a journeyman and am scheduled to take the journeyman exam in June. There were people starting with zero experience making more than me. I was the lowest paid employee at the last couple projects I was on. Any talk of pay with other employees was “confidential.” I got more bold about asking people the last few months, and this is when I found out I was being underpaid. They were starting brand new people making $10 an hour more than me. I’ve been a ball of anxiety…

I work in trades, and am (well, was now I guess) employed by a contractor in an industrial setting. I work on projects in an industrial setting, when that project is complete I’m sent to a different plant for a new project.

I haven’t gotten a raise since starting this career as a first year apprentice; I now have enough hours to be a journeyman and am scheduled to take the journeyman exam in June. There were people starting with zero experience making more than me. I was the lowest paid employee at the last couple projects I was on.

Any talk of pay with other employees was “confidential.” I got more bold about asking people the last few months, and this is when I found out I was being underpaid. They were starting brand new people making $10 an hour more than me.

I’ve been a ball of anxiety all day, because today was the day I was finally going to talk to my boss and ask for a raise.

I did; he agreed to something that was still really low, barely more than I made. I countered, and was told there were plenty of people to take my spot and if I’m not agreeing to the small raise he was generous enough to offer, I could leave. I stated what I wanted again and was asked to leave.

I’m devastated. I worked under this person through so much shit. I don’t think I was being unreasonable; I was asking for the low end of fair. I was willing to do that because I thought I could learn a lot from this company and thought they were behind me.

I . . . Why the fuck would you get rid of someone right before they journey out of the trade??? You could do so much more if your employee has that license; some industries don’t want contractors sending in anyone unlicensed. Why would you get rid of a journeyman who was willing to work within an apprentice pay scale??

I am devastated and I’m a dumbass, and right now I’m being a cry baby because I’m a devastated dumbass.

Unemployment is going to be fun I guess. Hopefully I pick something up again soon, and I’ll try to learn from this.

Thank you for reading my whining rant.

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