
Boss assaulted me (i think)

A little background. I've worked at this place for over 25 years. Never missed a day. Always did what they ask to the best of my ability. Today i am at work, cleaning the fryer out (as usual, i'm typically the only person to go above and beyond). I accidentally knocked the bucket of old grease over and it went everywhere. My boss saw the whole thing happen. Instead of helping, he just starts laughing and lit up his cigar (it was before the restaurant opened and he often smokes indoors). That didn't really bother me until what happened next. I'm kneeling down, cleaning the grease, and suddenly i'm shoved from behind into the grease. My boss literally kicked me in the back as hard as he could. I fall into the grease. After the initial shock i attempted to stand up. But the grease was too slippery. I spent…

A little background. I've worked at this place for over 25 years. Never missed a day. Always did what they ask to the best of my ability.

Today i am at work, cleaning the fryer out (as usual, i'm typically the only person to go above and beyond). I accidentally knocked the bucket of old grease over and it went everywhere. My boss saw the whole thing happen. Instead of helping, he just starts laughing and lit up his cigar (it was before the restaurant opened and he often smokes indoors).

That didn't really bother me until what happened next. I'm kneeling down, cleaning the grease, and suddenly i'm shoved from behind into the grease. My boss literally kicked me in the back as hard as he could. I fall into the grease. After the initial shock i attempted to stand up. But the grease was too slippery. I spent the next, what felt like eternity, slipping around in place like im on a treadmill from hell. Now my cackling boss is almost pissing himself. I finally regain control and i was just so taken aback i went to the bathroom and tried to clean up.

I'm walking back to my station and walk by my bosses office. He's in there with his feet on his desk smoking his cigar and he just yells out “make sure you clean that shit up”.

Idk if this counts as assault but someones seriously gotta do something about workers rights in america.

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