
*is* there actually a labor shortage in the US?!

I have applied to 100s of jobs in the past few months, I had one briefly that did not work out (company was basically going under) and have had only a few interviews besides that that went nowhere. ​ I have met with a specialist that helps you with your resume and with interviewing, and paid $$$ for resume review and LinkedIn optimization. (I have a college degree from a top college, relevant experience, and also have nothing on my background check that is a red flag, btw) ​ has anyone else experienced this? I have no idea what else to try. I have a disability so I can't do *any* job under the sun but I can do a good amount, and I have gotten almost nowhere with the jobs I applied for- design, marketing, serving/hosting/cafe jobs, occasional science jobs bc my old career and degree were in science

I have applied to 100s of jobs in the past few months, I had one briefly that did not work out (company was basically going under) and have had only a few interviews besides that that went nowhere.

I have met with a specialist that helps you with your resume and with interviewing, and paid $$$ for resume review and LinkedIn optimization. (I have a college degree from a top college, relevant experience, and also have nothing on my background check that is a red flag, btw)

has anyone else experienced this? I have no idea what else to try. I have a disability so I can't do *any* job under the sun but I can do a good amount, and I have gotten almost nowhere with the jobs I applied for- design, marketing, serving/hosting/cafe jobs, occasional science jobs bc my old career and degree were in science

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