
I’m turning in my resignation, effective immediately, tomorrow.

I don’t have another job guaranteed to go to yet, but I have a few things in the works that are looking promising. I’ve given up the past 3 years of my life to this place, and I’ve had it. My wife is ok with it, and that’s all that matters. I have been on call 24hrs a day 365 days a year for the last 3 years. They won’t let me show anyone else what I do, so that I can avoid having to drive 40 minutes round trip just to plunge a toilet, or reset a door alarm. They won’t let me purchase what is needed for other repairs like the SPRINKLER SYSTEM at one of our buildings that requires a very large air compressor to run. So it quits working about once or twice a month and I get called in to get it running again. The…

I don’t have another job guaranteed to go to yet, but I have a few things in the works that are looking promising. I’ve given up the past 3 years of my life to this place, and I’ve had it. My wife is ok with it, and that’s all that matters. I have been on call 24hrs a day 365 days a year for the last 3 years. They won’t let me show anyone else what I do, so that I can avoid having to drive 40 minutes round trip just to plunge a toilet, or reset a door alarm. They won’t let me purchase what is needed for other repairs like the SPRINKLER SYSTEM at one of our buildings that requires a very large air compressor to run. So it quits working about once or twice a month and I get called in to get it running again. The new owners have stopped paying bills on time causing many vendors to refuse to come work, making my job extra hard to find/get stuff fixed that I can’t due to not having tools or it being a specialized job that I’m not legally allowed to do. Fuck it, fuck them. I’m not giving 2 weeks, let alone the 30 days they “require”. The last straw came yesterday. I’m on FMLA to take care of my wife who has been having a lot of major medical problems (all taken care of now) and my boss would not leave me alone yesterday. She never came out and asked me to come in but she was definitely hinting at it really hard. That was it, if they couldn’t leave me alone knowing I’m caring for my sick wife then I will never get a break from that place.

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