
Is anyone else seriously considering giving up on life after being fired several times?

I had no problems in school. Passed with flying colors. Next thing you know I enter the workforce and it ruins my life. Nobody told me how hard it would be to hold down a job. If i'm not fired within 3 months I develop PTSD and have daily nightmares about the job, or the job becomes stupidly hard and someone realizes I can't do even the simplest thing. Therapists are useless, everyone thinks i'm an idiot. I seem to be getting more miserable with each passing day and welfare is starting to look like a better option at this point.

I had no problems in school. Passed with flying colors. Next thing you know I enter the workforce and it ruins my life. Nobody told me how hard it would be to hold down a job. If i'm not fired within 3 months I develop PTSD and have daily nightmares about the job, or the job becomes stupidly hard and someone realizes I can't do even the simplest thing. Therapists are useless, everyone thinks i'm an idiot. I seem to be getting more miserable with each passing day and welfare is starting to look like a better option at this point.

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