
god damn it not again

I just finished my first week of my new job. It was going well, I didn't mind it, and the pay is more than I've ever made. (Though still not a thriving wage, and trust me, it pisses me off; I thought I'd be making six figures by now but apparently all I'm good for is entry level) Anyway. I had two “Karen” customers back to back. I work in outbound calls so my job is to the contracted drivers, not the customer, but that doesn't mean I enjoy getting yelled at. This woman even said “I want to speak to your supervisor” (I don't really have one) and “you will NOT terminate this call!!” (I timed it perfectly so I did right after she said that). The other customer just threw a fit that I wouldn't give him my personal cell phone number or the driver's personal number. I'm…

I just finished my first week of my new job. It was going well, I didn't mind it, and the pay is more than I've ever made. (Though still not a thriving wage, and trust me, it pisses me off; I thought I'd be making six figures by now but apparently all I'm good for is entry level)

Anyway. I had two “Karen” customers back to back. I work in outbound calls so my job is to the contracted drivers, not the customer, but that doesn't mean I enjoy getting yelled at. This woman even said “I want to speak to your supervisor” (I don't really have one) and “you will NOT terminate this call!!” (I timed it perfectly so I did right after she said that). The other customer just threw a fit that I wouldn't give him my personal cell phone number or the driver's personal number.

I'm going to remake my LinkedIn and hope to god that some recruiter reaches out to me. My job is purposefully understaffed, but it'll be easier for me, personally, if I stop showing up because I got a different job. Yeah, I feel bad for my team, because they're generally nice people and I don't have anything against them, but at the end of the day, I care about me. It's not my fault the company is shitty at staffing teams.

I don't know. Has anyone had any success with getting recruited on LinkedIn? I'm working with someone to revamp my resume and make myself look as good as possible. It's difficult when I'm bad at marketing myself and I haven't had any real accomplishments.

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