
Mom and step dad work great jobs and still can’t buy a house

Insane landlord gives my mom a year to buy the house then three weeks laters goes “changed my mind” and tells her to pay 600 grand up front. We’re going to have to move out in a couple mounts because my mom despite having a degree and my step father who works in construction can’t pay over half a million dollars in two months. What chance do we have? buying a house will be nothing but a fantasy for the majority of Americans as it already is and most people need Financial help from another person to rent an apartment let alone buy a house we’re told as kids to go to college and work hard and you can achieve anything but that’s a load of bullshit the prices of everything will just keep increasing and the minimum wage will stay the same or increase by a dollar and we’re…

Insane landlord gives my mom a year to buy the house then three weeks laters goes “changed my mind” and tells her to pay 600 grand up front. We’re going to have to move out in a couple mounts because my mom despite having a degree and my step father who works in construction can’t pay over half a million dollars in two months. What chance do we have? buying a house will be nothing but a fantasy for the majority of Americans as it already is and most people need Financial help from another person to rent an apartment let alone buy a house we’re told as kids to go to college and work hard and you can achieve anything but that’s a load of bullshit the prices of everything will just keep increasing and the minimum wage will stay the same or increase by a dollar and we’re all supposed to celebrate that.

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