
Broke down under pressure from Co-Worker. He was sent home.

TLDR at the bottom. I had some issues in the job market and had to take a poorly paid job in a big company in the food industry. It was an easy-to-get job, because it had relatively high physical demands and low pay. Because of these circumstances, there are also frequently people getting kicked out. I started with 3 other guys and we almost always worked together on things that didnt need much thought/explanation. I myself, unlike the other guys, am someone who tries to do a very good job and sometimes pays the physical and/or mental price. So within 2 months I get into a good rythm and try to prove myself. In the third month I had to do a job alone that was supposed to be done by 2 workers. Boss tells me: “I know that this is too much work for only one person, so just…

TLDR at the bottom.

I had some issues in the job market and had to take a poorly paid job in a big company in the food industry. It was an easy-to-get job, because it had relatively high physical demands and low pay. Because of these circumstances, there are also frequently people getting kicked out.

I started with 3 other guys and we almost always worked together on things that didnt need much thought/explanation. I myself, unlike the other guys, am someone who tries to do a very good job and sometimes pays the physical and/or mental price.

So within 2 months I get into a good rythm and try to prove myself. In the third month I had to do a job alone that was supposed to be done by 2 workers. Boss tells me: “I know that this is too much work for only one person, so just relax and dont overwork yourself.”. Idiot me then tries to push my limits and overwork myself. My back hurts the next day(Not as in damage/serious issue, but as in “I demanded too much from my body”).

So I tell myself to go easy on myself on this one day.

2 hours into the shift and 2 of the guys I started working with tell me, that they are being kicked out. One of them for being too lazy, the other one because of language issues. “Poor guys” I think to myself and continue with my work in a rather slow pace, thinking that I already proved myself and that I have to go easy on my back.

Lunchtime. I sit with a few of the old guys in the company. I mention that its a shame that those two guys had to go. One Co-Worker, who has been in the firm for over 10 years, says something like “If I were you, Id kick myself in the ass, stop being lazy and start working, otherwise you will be the next one to get kicked out.”.

And my mood was down the drain. I thought to myself “Im working my ass off, hurting myself in the process and doing everything so people are pleased with me?! Fuck this company!”.

I call HR(Other building and difficult to walk between buildings because we work with food) and tell them that I want my contract terminated. Go to the overseer of the department(the guy who decides who stays and who doesnt) and tell him that Im gone. He doesnt show too many emotions, seems rather upset with me, but also couldnt care less. I walk back to my work as he calls me back and asks me if Im leaving, because he had to kick the other two guys out. I tell him its because I work my ass off and they are not appreciating it. His demeanor changes to confused and tells me, that Im one of the best workers he had in a while and why Id think that Im not appreciated. At this point I feel like being in an emotional rollercoaster and cant contain myself anymore. Tell him what the other Co-Worker said. The overseer/my supervisor tells to go outside for a while, take a break and to gather my emotions and he would be glad if I would stay in the company.

I go outside, process what happened and go back in after 30 mins – just in time to see the criticizing Co-Worker walk out of the building in street clothers and not to be seen the following two days.

TL:DR: Co-Worker tells me Im probably gonna get fired. I try to quit before getting fired. Co-Worker gets sent home for a few days after our Boss gets to know what happened.

PS: I dont really know if this story fits into this sub, but after seeing a lot of fake work-experiences, I thought Id share one of mine to have more real ones here.

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