
Once again, I had to walk out because my manager treats me like shit

Tldr my manager is an ass and my company STILL hasn't done anything about his harassment, bullying and discrimination… nobody cares and I am sick of it. For context, there's another post I made regarding my manager's harassment and I guess pure hatred towards me… even in my other post I didn't go into full detail about all the different things that happened over the last three months… Today, I walked out, again. I just couldn't stand it. Why do I have to put up with his discrimination and bullying?? Last week, the area manager (so his manager) organised a “mediation”, so that we would set ground rules so that “it wouldn't happen again” and to have “BOTH voices heard”. Already from that I was shocked… how could he be treated like a victim when HE WAS THE ONE HARASSING ME??? But whatever, even though he started calling me a…

Tldr my manager is an ass and my company STILL hasn't done anything about his harassment, bullying and discrimination… nobody cares and I am sick of it.

For context, there's another post I made regarding my manager's harassment and I guess pure hatred towards me… even in my other post I didn't go into full detail about all the different things that happened over the last three months…
Today, I walked out, again. I just couldn't stand it. Why do I have to put up with his discrimination and bullying??
Last week, the area manager (so his manager) organised a “mediation”, so that we would set ground rules so that “it wouldn't happen again” and to have “BOTH voices heard”. Already from that I was shocked… how could he be treated like a victim when HE WAS THE ONE HARASSING ME??? But whatever, even though he started calling me a liar and so on IN FRONT of the AM, they eventually said that my manager couldn't shout anymore, that he couldn't belittle or badger me etc. Hahahahaha. It all went over his head of course.
The only repercussions that he got for his harassment was one month of no bonus. He still treats me like shit. For example today.

I got to work 20 mins early, etc. Had the first customer of the day and sold a product that the customer wasn't even thinking abt needed but they were happy that I reminded them. So then whilst I was processing the sale, I have to ask for his signature cos we do checks like that, and he asks why I'm not doing “this” (certain, tbh optional and not major, procedure to get the most out of every customer), I explain that I had already talked with the customer and so on. Long story short, once my customers left, he started badgering me abt why I didn't use that paper thing, I told him it wasn't on purpose and so on.
It's important for context that this “thing”, among other ridiculous things he complains abt, isn't something that just I don't always do/forget. A colleague whos been working as my same position for 25 freakin years STILL doesn't do them. Just yesterday the assistant manager was complaining about HIM. And yet, the manager NEVER tells my colleague, a white man his same age, anything.
Again, to sum it up, by ths point, other customers approached and said colleague started helping them, meanwhile, my manager kept on badgering me. Because he kept repeating himself, I asked him what he wanted me to say— I'm introverted, I don't talk loudly and just overall, personally, I don't shout or cause a scene, so I was talking calmly and even in a low tone as there were customers. Then he tells me that I needed to “Drop that attitude”… he told me that I need to do my job, that I'm not payed for “this”, that I need to do as he says. I tell him that I am doing my job, that he needs to do his and be fair with everyone. Just at that moment, my colleague was talking with a customer and wasn't using those papers the manager is always pestering me about, so I told him, why not tell him to use them? Is he going to have the same conversation with him? Because he never does. At this point, he says “don't tell me how to do my job.”, that I “should've applied for a manager roles, otherwise.” I told him i didn't want to be a manager, but that he needs to be fair. Then he interrupts me and mumbles something. He has a thick accent and has the annoying habit of mumbling— most people at least once ask him to repeat himself, regardless if English is his first language or not, he himself has said that he's aware that his accent can be hard to understand, but I understand his accent, the problem is that he mumbles. So I asked his to repeat what he said because I didn't understand, he mumbles again.. I ask again and this time he just stares at me… I ask AGAIN and he says “Can you not speak English?”. This shocks me, so I tell him that of course I can. It's crazy because even though I'm foreign, I even have a British accent and people always assume that I'm English and are even shocked that I'm not. Hell, I have a better understanding of Literature and Language than him. I tell him that I didn't understand because he mumbled.
Then he shakes his head, stands up and says “You disgust me.”
That was it for me. I already have to many personal issues and to have him insult me, like always just tipped me over the edge. I was shocked and didn't bother to keep my voice down, I spoke normally and asked “what did you say? I disgust you?”… he looked around, telling me to keep my voice down. By this point the customers had noticed something was going on, so they were looking over… my colleague, as always, did nothing.
I told him that I couldn't do it anymore and that I was leaving. I left. As I got my stuff I had this feeling that he was going to for sure make some shit up to the customers, as he's tried to previously. He's a gaslighting liar and manipulator, who lies and denies everything. Even when the evidence is right there.
So after I signed out, indeed I saw him talking to the pair of customers sat with my colleague, so I walked up to him and told him “I'm going to raise ANOTHER grievance against you and your harassment. Let's see how you get of it THIS TIME.” I walked out and went home.
My parents are aware of the whole situation, I still live with them as I can't afford to move out etc. Do they overheard the “mediation” meeting and found out about everything… they insisted already from back then that I report him. I did this now. I called and reported him. The person agreed that he's harassed me and it could be all a possible hate crime. I mean I previously thought his harassment was driven by a hate towards women, that he was a sexist prick, but now I'm wondering if he's got something against my race as well?
I'm already going through a difficult time personally, I was already dealing with depression, anxiety, etc. but this whole work situation is making it all worse.
I'm not accepting it anymore and because the stupid area manager wanted to do nothing about it, I'm going to keep putting forward with superiors until something gets done.
I've contacted the Head of Region and have found contacts of all the other superiors all the way up to the CEO. I don't care. They're not going to put me down and force ME to suffer and have to struggle because of an asshole that gets absolutely no consequences for his actions.
I'm also contacting my local legal help agency to see what legal action I can take against him, as I was advised, and possible go through an employment tribunal and make him and the company vicariously liable. I don't care. Its ridiculous.

Thanks for listening to my TED talk. Adios.

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