
How the public and working classes can challenge the cannibal psychopaths in the ruling class

This is a continuation of a prior thread regarding how the public is funding its own cannibalization, enslavement, and oppression via the stock market: So what can be done about the situation? One thing is to see past the corporate/kleptocratic media propaganda and understand that a rising stock market built atop an enslaved and abused population is an abomination and a disaster, and a symptom of a society cannibalizing itself. Another thing is to rebuild something like the New Deal coalition. Step 1: Unionize local workplaces and industries Step 2: Organize with workers and unions outside of your particular industry Step 3: Challenge the abusive ruling class, which has enslaved and is eating and socially murdering the public and the working classes on a mass scale. As atomized individuals, the public and working classes would continue to be enslaved and destroyed by the cannibal psychopaths in the ruling capitalist/corporatist/kleptocrat…

This is a continuation of a prior thread regarding how the public is funding its own cannibalization, enslavement, and oppression via the stock market:

So what can be done about the situation?

One thing is to see past the corporate/kleptocratic media propaganda and understand that a rising stock market built atop an enslaved and abused population is an abomination and a disaster, and a symptom of a society cannibalizing itself.

Another thing is to rebuild something like the New Deal coalition.

Step 1: Unionize local workplaces and industries

Step 2: Organize with workers and unions outside of your particular industry

Step 3: Challenge the abusive ruling class, which has enslaved and is eating and socially murdering the public and the working classes on a mass scale.

As atomized individuals, the public and working classes would continue to be enslaved and destroyed by the cannibal psychopaths in the ruling capitalist/corporatist/kleptocrat class.

But as a networked mesh of solidarity and understanding, the public and working classes can build the power to challenge the abusive ruling class, liberate themselves and humanity, and re-write the “social contract” for the 21st century.

Reality looks very different beyond the constant theft, abuse, propaganda, and gaslighting inflicted by the ruling capitalist/kleptocrat class on the public and working classes to keep them enslaved, stupid, and in line.

It's time for the public, the working classes, and the human species to wake up and reclaim the power, the freedom, and the humanity that is our birthright.

“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” – Frederick Douglass

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