
Breaking my back to survive

I 21F rent an apartment with my bf and go to college. With that, I have to scrape up enough money to afford all of these bills and tuition costs. My boyfriend and I split the living costs but it would be impossible to ever make enough to do that at a sitting office job at 11-15 an hour. The only job at this age and experience level with no college degree that allows me to make enough to survive and go to college at the same time are serving positions that bring in tip money. Now here comes the predicament.. 3 years ago I was in a really bad head on collision that nearly killed me. I broke 6 bones including my tailbone and had to relearn how to walk after 3 months. Since then my body has rejected every pin and rod that was put into me and…

 I 21F rent an apartment with my bf and go to college. With that, I have to scrape up enough money to afford all of these bills and tuition costs. My boyfriend and I split the living costs but it would be impossible to ever make enough to do that at a sitting office job at 11-15 an hour. The only job at this age and experience level with no college degree that allows me to make enough to survive and go to college at the same time are serving positions that bring in tip money. 
    Now here comes the predicament.. 3 years ago I was in a really bad head on collision that nearly killed me. I broke 6 bones including my tailbone and had to relearn how to walk after 3 months. Since then my body has rejected every pin and rod that was put into me and I have had multiple surgeries to remove them but still deal with longterm chronic pain.
   Fast forward to 3 weeks ago i finally removed the last rod in my tailbone and am unable to walk for a week. 2 weeks later I attempt to go back to work and be on light duty. My job schedules me a double shift on friday and after 13 hours and lots of heavy lifting of stacks of plates and buckets of ice I come home and break down crying in pain. I need this job to survive, ive looked and theres nothing else that will bring in as much money for my age and experience except other physically demanding jobs. Until I get my degree I am stuck in this industry to survive and its breaking me. I'm not physically cut out for it. An 8-5 sitting office job would be nice but all I see is an average of 11-15 an hour which just wouldnt cut it with this current economy and housing market. Truly I don't know what to do for the next 2 years to earn my degree and every day I am suffering.

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