
Just wanna be a stay at home wife.

I mean, title. I just wanna take care of my partner, and clean / cook and do stuff for her. I've never managed to hold a job for more than a year or so, always moving on or dropping because of various reasons, but just the thought of working in a professional setting fills me with such dread lately… I used to work 3 jobs at a time, before anyone calls me lazy. My longest running job, I typically clocked 55~ hours a week. And, I just can't do it anymore. My partner is very supportive, and wants to be the breadwinner, take care of me, and really enjoys the work they do. We're financially stable, and yet… I still get constant shit for not having a job. We make smart decisions with our money, and are happy and content. We can save up for things we want in a…

I mean, title.

I just wanna take care of my partner, and clean / cook and do stuff for her. I've never managed to hold a job for more than a year or so, always moving on or dropping because of various reasons, but just the thought of working in a professional setting fills me with such dread lately…

I used to work 3 jobs at a time, before anyone calls me lazy. My longest running job, I typically clocked 55~ hours a week. And, I just can't do it anymore.

My partner is very supportive, and wants to be the breadwinner, take care of me, and really enjoys the work they do. We're financially stable, and yet… I still get constant shit for not having a job. We make smart decisions with our money, and are happy and content. We can save up for things we want in a reasonable amount of time, we have a safety net, and still, I get constant remarks behind my back.

(Edit: grammar)

(Edit 2: Wow, a lot of moms are being very supportive down in the comments. I'm not a mom, but I'm glad I could offer some visibility. Thank you all so much!)

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