
Do not faulter on your worth!

So i recently quit a job that was under paying me by $5.50/hr. I was working my local store (I'll leave the store unnamed for now) and I was working in a total of 4 departments. I had found my title was actually too be something called “Replenishment Manager.”. As the work I did, was under the job description of that title. That title paid $18+/hr. I was making $13.50. After making this discovery, and on a day I was being asked to both work the dairy truck, frozen truck and close and clean meat department. I stated that I would like to discuss my pay. The AM first statement was “we don't discuss pay.”. After adamantly stating that yes in fact we do and will she popped out the mouth “You are out on the sales floor, you hush!”. Afterwards, tried telling me she is on our side. I…

So i recently quit a job that was under paying me by $5.50/hr.

I was working my local store (I'll leave the store unnamed for now) and I was working in a total of 4 departments. I had found my title was actually too be something called “Replenishment Manager.”. As the work I did, was under the job description of that title. That title paid $18+/hr. I was making $13.50.

After making this discovery, and on a day I was being asked to both work the dairy truck, frozen truck and close and clean meat department. I stated that I would like to discuss my pay. The AM first statement was “we don't discuss pay.”. After adamantly stating that yes in fact we do and will she popped out the mouth “You are out on the sales floor, you hush!”. Afterwards, tried telling me she is on our side.

I walked out that day. I had nothing lined up, bills were a couple months ahead, I had a small amount put away to sustain myself and my daughter for that time frame.

Not 2 weeks later, I've found a job that offered me $21/hr for less work, less qualifications, more stability and a steady 40 hours a week.

Do not let any company, regardless of the work you do belittle your worth. No job is worth your happiness, nor is it worth working at a poverty wage! I hope my story inspires some of you, the way your stories have all inspired me!

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