
4 day work weeks and pandering to keep your support

There have been studies that prove working 5 days a week leads to a drop in productivity, all around the board. We work more than we see our families, we miss 6 years of our pets lives while working, they pass away while we work our butt off – for what? To die on social security in old folks home with more pain than we know what to do with? Why? Because some people 200 years ago decided this was the only way to live? We spend more time fighting with people than actually doing things to make a difference… but what can we actually do? Well, for one, stop supporting big companies, even if they one day go “I support you “enter the random marginalized group” they are doing it for money, greed, and to manipulate us into continuing to give them support… Places like Amazon, Disney, Walmart, and…

There have been studies that prove working 5 days a week leads to a drop in productivity, all around the board. We work more than we see our families, we miss 6 years of our pets lives while working, they pass away while we work our butt off – for what? To die on social security in old folks home with more pain than we know what to do with? Why? Because some people 200 years ago decided this was the only way to live? We spend more time fighting with people than actually doing things to make a difference…

but what can we actually do? Well, for one, stop supporting big companies, even if they one day go “I support you “enter the random marginalized group” they are doing it for money, greed, and to manipulate us into continuing to give them support…

Places like Amazon, Disney, Walmart, and Walgreens. These places only enact the strategies we like because they know that we won't go after them if they pretend to be an ally.

How about gay pride month? The day after it's over our chalk, signs, and banners are ripped up, washed away, and thrown in the trash.

When are people going to realize these big companies are not there for us, they aren't there to help us, or care about us. They pander. Just like government entities pander.

They said we wouldn't be paying our college debt, right? where's the 50k promised for those of us struggling with that?

It's time to stop allowing them to pander and give us 'presents' and reward them for the common act of “respect”

Next time you see a big company or big gov pandering, don't believe it. Question their objectives, and shut the door in their face…

we want fewer working hours so we can spend time with our pets and families, better treatment at work, and more respect. This doesn't make us lazy, or pushy, or demanding. Civil rights and human rights are not Demanding. They are rights. It's time we stop letting them pander to gay, black, trans, and whatever other group is being lied to and used by the corporate machine to make money off poorly treated employees…

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