
“Saving hours?”

So my union is prepping to strike to get actual living wages for us grocery store workers. Our store manager went around today asking a bunch of people to head home early so they can “save hours” our location is already horribly short staffed and we can barely keep up with our normal responsibilities as is. We don’t even have a closer for our bakery most days and have three days of the week when we just don’t have a cake decorator. Are they really this stingy to try and save every penny they can while making our working conditions worse even under threat of a strike? One of our employees even got scheduled for just two days next week instead of the minimum 24 needed for full benefits. The managers have been upset about us working overtime in the past (which is weird since we actually have to in…

So my union is prepping to strike to get actual living wages for us grocery store workers. Our store manager went around today asking a bunch of people to head home early so they can “save hours” our location is already horribly short staffed and we can barely keep up with our normal responsibilities as is. We don’t even have a closer for our bakery most days and have three days of the week when we just don’t have a cake decorator. Are they really this stingy to try and save every penny they can while making our working conditions worse even under threat of a strike? One of our employees even got scheduled for just two days next week instead of the minimum 24 needed for full benefits. The managers have been upset about us working overtime in the past (which is weird since we actually have to in order to get all our duties done with so few workers) but is it normal to ask people to just go home early and cut people’s hours like this? This just seems horribly unfair and not a smart move on management’s part.

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