
Scumbag company demoted me after parental leave

Prelude: I work in sales. For two years I worked as a specialist acct mgr in my industry. Last year was an insane year for me and I hit all of my goals in July. I also lead the only fully successful product launch for the year. I was in the top 5 sales personnel in North America and was invited on a week long free vacation in the Bahamas for making “presidents club”. then, last July, my wife and I had our first son and I put off parental leave (a company benefit) until January and February of this year to finish the year strong. When I came back to work this march, my boss and I had a one on one to catch up where he told me the following: I lost my specialist title My territory shrunk from three states to one and all of my largest…

Prelude: I work in sales. For two years I worked as a specialist acct mgr in my industry. Last year was an insane year for me and I hit all of my goals in July. I also lead the only fully successful product launch for the year. I was in the top 5 sales personnel in North America and was invited on a week long free vacation in the Bahamas for making “presidents club”.

then, last July, my wife and I had our first son and I put off parental leave (a company benefit) until January and February of this year to finish the year strong. When I came back to work this march, my boss and I had a one on one to catch up where he told me the following:

I lost my specialist title

My territory shrunk from three states to one and all of my largest accounts were taken from me

All of my sales opportunities I had uncovered in the last year were given to other reps (this is called our sales funnel and is one of the main metrics the company uses to judge your usefulness)

I was aghast. I told him so. He gave me some BS excuse about them not being able to justify my salary so they had to divide up my territory with another specialist. Mind you, there were three of us. I was the most senior, the only one to hit my yearly goals last year, etc.

In the following weeks, I started to drag. Morale shot to shit and no ambition. My boss asked why in another meeting and I told him in great detail how bad they fucked me. This time he didn't hit me with a generic excuse but I stead started to degrade my work from the previous year saying my sales werent because of anything I did, my opportunities weren't as good as I thought, and that the other two guys in my previous role simply were better qualified.

I have no idea what to do. I can't even drag my ass out of bed to do this fucking job anymore. I'm applying elsewhere and trying to get by on the bare minimum but I feel like every day I'm on borrowed time. I spoke with a lawyer because I believe they demoted me as retaliation for going on parental leave.

The lawyer told me to air my grievances in written form so I'd have proof of their responses. He also told me that getting fired makes my case stronger.

What do?

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