
Dress for the job you want, not the job you have—now wear this uniform or you’ll be written up.

Was thinking about some of the BS advice people give to try to win the game of work in capitalism. This old chesntut: “DrEsS fOr ThE jOb YoU wAnT, nOt ThE jOb YoU hAvE.” How many of these people run workplaces where employees are made to dress uniformly? Whether that’s an actual uniform, a dress code, or safety requirements? That’s really impossible—and stupid—advice. Maybe I should wear dress shoes to work so I’ll get McNoticed for a promotion. You’re slipping and falling, and you’re gonna get written up for not having worn non-slip shoes.

Was thinking about some of the BS advice people give to try to win the game of work in capitalism. This old chesntut: “DrEsS fOr ThE jOb YoU wAnT, nOt ThE jOb YoU hAvE.”

How many of these people run workplaces where employees are made to dress uniformly? Whether that’s an actual uniform, a dress code, or safety requirements?

That’s really impossible—and stupid—advice. Maybe I should wear dress shoes to work so I’ll get McNoticed for a promotion. You’re slipping and falling, and you’re gonna get written up for not having worn non-slip shoes.

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