
Worst POS boss I’ve ever had.

I work in a pathology lab with the best co workers I’ve ever had…except for my boss. About a month ago we hired a new pathologist but he’s only allowed to work with certain insurances (he’s lazy). Since our other pathologist are able to work with all insurances…when we got samples in from hospitals, we just shredded the insurance papers and kept what we needed. Our boss failed to inform us that we need to keep the papers. No emails, no meetings, nothing. She came up to me as I was processing samples and asked why I was throwing away insurance. I was like ?? because we dont need them? She argues with me and THEN tells me we needed to keep. So I’m stuck going through to “to be shredded” trash and finding all the papers and having to put them in order by date, alphabetical order, time, and…

I work in a pathology lab with the best co workers I’ve ever had…except for my boss.

About a month ago we hired a new pathologist but he’s only allowed to work with certain insurances (he’s lazy). Since our other pathologist are able to work with all insurances…when we got samples in from hospitals, we just shredded the insurance papers and kept what we needed. Our boss failed to inform us that we need to keep the papers. No emails, no meetings, nothing. She came up to me as I was processing samples and asked why I was throwing away insurance. I was like ?? because we dont need them? She argues with me and THEN tells me we needed to keep. So I’m stuck going through to “to be shredded” trash and finding all the papers and having to put them in order by date, alphabetical order, time, and what hospital. Hours of my fucking day spent doing this shit. Then she calls me into her office saying I’m being written up for failing to do my job and DOCKS MY PAY BY $15 WHILE I’M ON MY TWO MONTH PROBATION PERIOD. Then she also writes up two of my other co workers for the same thing and docks one of their pays by $15 and the other $25. After everything, all three of us were talking about how much we made now and she threatened to fire us for talking about our wages. I responded “well actually we are legally allowed to talk about it and it’s illegal for you to fire us about it”. Fucking ridiculous.

Since then we’ve been complete dicks to her. We don’t give a fuck.

The last straw happened on Friday. Everyone in the lab and office knows I have celiac disease (allergic to gluten, rye, and barely) and is very careful and respectful of it. We have a break room and in there we have a “clean plates” rack. So I go over and use the plate I normally use bc it has cats and i love cats. It was in the same spot so I thought no one even used it. About an hour later, I’m throwing up, having diarrhea, bloated, etc etc. My co worker sees me and is like omg wtf. She sees the plate I was using and said “oh my god my boss was using that earlier and was eating bread off of it”. Turns out the dumb bitch just wiped it off and called it clean and put it back in the spot I always put it. I just got cross contamination of fucking gluten. Sick as fuck the whole day. My boss saw me throw up in a trash can and said “that sucks” and I told her why and told her to clean the plate like a regular human being. I then said I’m going to go home and she said if I do..I’ll get written up. I literally went the whole day running from the bathroom and back to the lab because of that stupid fucking bitch.

Oh…and HR doesn’t give a fuck.

I’m tired of us working in atmospheres like this and it just having to be okay.

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