
Got into an argument today

I basically just said that machines taking people's jobs shouldn't be a bad thing for society. If a machine takes the jobs of a group of people, the price should go down because the price to produce has gone down, and that person should have to work less hours, and the guy called me a communist. The best part was that the guy works in accounting. The guy literally works with imaginary numbers all day, meanwhile I work in construction literally putting up physical buildings. He called me lazy because I think machines should be doing our jobs for us instead of visa-versa

I basically just said that machines taking people's jobs shouldn't be a bad thing for society. If a machine takes the jobs of a group of people, the price should go down because the price to produce has gone down, and that person should have to work less hours, and the guy called me a communist. The best part was that the guy works in accounting. The guy literally works with imaginary numbers all day, meanwhile I work in construction literally putting up physical buildings. He called me lazy because I think machines should be doing our jobs for us instead of visa-versa

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