
Work TitIe Demotion – Need Advice Please!

I've been working at a corporate office of a retail company for almost 2 years. I started as an Associate Manager in my area. After a year and a half, I was promoted to Manager. I was weary because other people promoted into this position all left not long after being promoted. I shared my concerns with management who promised I would have help, training, and an Associate Manager to help me so I would succeed (Note the Associate Manager would be split between me and another Manager). I reported to a Director who was supposed to give me training, but that never happened because she didn't have time and I tried to figure things out as I went. 5 months later, this past Friday, I had my yearly review. I knew I had struggled a bit after I did not really have an Associate much since it turns out…

I've been working at a corporate office of a retail company for almost 2 years. I started as an Associate Manager in my area. After a year and a half, I was promoted to Manager. I was weary because other people promoted into this position all left not long after being promoted. I shared my concerns with management who promised I would have help, training, and an Associate Manager to help me so I would succeed (Note the Associate Manager would be split between me and another Manager). I reported to a Director who was supposed to give me training, but that never happened because she didn't have time and I tried to figure things out as I went.

5 months later, this past Friday, I had my yearly review. I knew I had struggled a bit after I did not really have an Associate much since it turns out they were told to only help me when they had time and focus on the other Manager. I received partially meets expectations. I was disappointed but I understood. THEN, my manager (Director) and the VP told me they are reorganizing my departments. I will be changed to Senior Associate Manager and report to the other Manager who was originally splitting an Associate with me. I will keep my areas and salary, but the other Manager can give me the training I never received from the Director I was previously reporting to. They said I can quicky get back to Manager, but at this point, they have promised so much and constantly failed to deliver on said promises that I don't believe them. I'm tired of feeling lied to.

I'm devastated. I feel like an utter failure. I'm losing the title I worked so hard for and they also told me my bonus is being reduced from 15% which Managers get to 8% which is what I got when I was Associate Manager. I was so upset I didn't work for the rest of the day and I have no idea what to do. I'm crushed. I worked so hard and it wasn't good enough. All of my cross functional teams I built trust with will see the title change and will probably assume I couldn't cut it as Manager. Not to mention I don't foresee being able to work well with the Manager. Her management style does not align with my learning style. It will be very difficult.

I need advice. Realistic advise please. I've thought about applying for other jobs, but that would be very difficult. I can't quit, I live alone and have bills to pay. Is there a way I can approach this? Can I refute it? I want to at least challenge the bonus reduction next week. Please help me.

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