
Retention bonuses are not for your benefit…. they are for your employer’s

They got me… I let it be known I was looking for opportunities inside our org as I feel (and they know) I've outgrown my position. A week later… “we want to show our appreciation and do something for you, cash bonus for 1 year retention. Just sign here.” Now, I'd like to think I have a good working relationship with my executives. So, I was like ” aww… look what they did for me! Sure… hand me the pen. ” I mistakenly took it as a personal compliment and valuation from them. A week later…” Motha Fucker…. they got me!” After that I was even more miserable because I felt trapped. I didn't spend the money, and if the right opportunity comes up I can always pay it back if I leave before November. Just don't know the tax implications as I was taxed last year on it. If…

They got me…

I let it be known I was looking for opportunities inside our org as I feel (and they know) I've outgrown my position.

A week later… “we want to show our appreciation and do something for you, cash bonus for 1 year retention. Just sign here.”

Now, I'd like to think I have a good working relationship with my executives. So, I was like ” aww… look what they did for me! Sure… hand me the pen. ” I mistakenly took it as a personal compliment and valuation from them.

A week later…” Motha Fucker…. they got me!” After that I was even more miserable because I felt trapped. I didn't spend the money, and if the right opportunity comes up I can always pay it back if I leave before November. Just don't know the tax implications as I was taxed last year on it.

If work hits you with this… wait a week. Don't sign right away. You'll realize, “It's not personal, it's strictly business.”. They are doing it for their benefit, not yours.

So I have a post-it… with just a date on it, stuck to a monitor. It's 1 month before my retention agreement ends. I've already got a prospect outside the company though. The recruiter's excitement over my resume was far more rewarding than the retention bonus.

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