
Handed my notice in, now getting dirty looks for 40 hours a week.

So, I handed my notice in to be finished by the end of April as per our companies 4 week notice policy, I actually gave over 5 weeks notice (we are short staffed and know they will struggle to even find someone in this time frame). I wanted to keep it quiet so I could tell my fellow employees in my own time, but my manager told someone and now everyone knows. This doesn't bug me as much as the fact that her and the other manager at our site both seem to speak about me behind my back and go silent when I enter, giving me 'the evils'. Also doing it in passing as I go about my work. I've been super motivated today and trying to ignore this over the last week or two but it's really getting to me now. I've been getting on with work and…

So, I handed my notice in to be finished by the end of April as per our companies 4 week notice policy, I actually gave over 5 weeks notice (we are short staffed and know they will struggle to even find someone in this time frame). I wanted to keep it quiet so I could tell my fellow employees in my own time, but my manager told someone and now everyone knows. This doesn't bug me as much as the fact that her and the other manager at our site both seem to speak about me behind my back and go silent when I enter, giving me 'the evils'. Also doing it in passing as I go about my work.

I've been super motivated today and trying to ignore this over the last week or two but it's really getting to me now. I've been getting on with work and want to leave on good terms with the company incase the need arises in the future.

To be honest I just wanted a little rant… so thanks for you all being awesome!

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