
Place I work at changed staffing companies to pay workers less and now no one wants to work

I work at a large sports stadium that outsources staffing to a separate company. That company just got replaced with a new one that cut pay from $28 AUD per hour to the minimum wage of $21. Shifts are usually short like 3-4 hours and seasonal so a lot of people work here as a second job to earn a bit of extra cash. But since the new company took over so many people just never signed on with them and have left for good. It has been an absolute mess, with staff to customer ratios going way up and most of the staff working are brand new straight out of high school having no idea what they are doing. The amount of complaints and refunds the stadium has been dealing with is insane. Most of the staff coming in are contractors getting paid $40 an hour and $48 on…

I work at a large sports stadium that outsources staffing to a separate company. That company just got replaced with a new one that cut pay from $28 AUD per hour to the minimum wage of $21. Shifts are usually short like 3-4 hours and seasonal so a lot of people work here as a second job to earn a bit of extra cash. But since the new company took over so many people just never signed on with them and have left for good.

It has been an absolute mess, with staff to customer ratios going way up and most of the staff working are brand new straight out of high school having no idea what they are doing. The amount of complaints and refunds the stadium has been dealing with is insane. Most of the staff coming in are contractors getting paid $40 an hour and $48 on Sundays, making me want to sign up to one of those agencies!

The stadium has put out statements to media blaming the spicy cough and less international students for the staff shortage which is part of the problem but for some reason they never bring up lower pay as a factor. Almost everyone I’ve talked to who left cited less pay as being the main reason for leaving.

The stadium has lost a LOT of money in refunds alone, plus the lost revenue from bars, stores etc being closed due to staff shortages and of course all those contractors. If only there was a way to entice more workers back. The company that took over is actually from the US so I feel like that explains a lot of the new policy changes lol.

Anyway I’m gonna be moving on in a couple of months after I finish my degree so soon will not be my problem.

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