
It just amazes, astounds and sickens me

I am relatively new to anti-work, but there's mostly one common theme that I see from most of the daily posts. People would rather stay at the job/ career they currently have. So many posts ending in, “but now I have better hours/ benefits/ pay (or all three) “. And most posters admit there's issues at work, but they deal with it (knowing there's a higher paying or better position somewhere else). But it's only after a supervisor, manager, boss, lead did something monumentally shady or sus or stupid and tries to blame, renege, or otherwise cast dispersion/ take advantage of an employee do they then leave. And I have to wonder how many businesses, corporations or even mom & pops would be wildly successful if they only treated employees like people and not binary assets (good/bad). To be clear, I'm not assigning blame to those employees at all, but…

I am relatively new to anti-work, but there's mostly one common theme that I see from most of the daily posts.

People would rather stay at the job/ career they currently have.

So many posts ending in, “but now I have better hours/ benefits/ pay (or all three) “. And most posters admit there's issues at work, but they deal with it (knowing there's a higher paying or better position somewhere else). But it's only after a supervisor, manager, boss, lead did something monumentally shady or sus or stupid and tries to blame, renege, or otherwise cast dispersion/ take advantage of an employee do they then leave.

And I have to wonder how many businesses, corporations or even mom & pops would be wildly successful if they only treated employees like people and not binary assets (good/bad). To be clear, I'm not assigning blame to those employees at all, but I have to wonder if those companies understand that people would stay and put up with their bullshit (for whatever reason) if they wouldn't throw someone under a bus, or force someone to work with a power mad, 0 accountability boss. And the people that post here that they changed jobs are always the gotos or pillars, they are the fixers and the top performers. And they quit because a higher up can't manage time, energy, money or people and blame someone else for their shortcomings.

And that it's OK for us to feel this way, because obviously, we are not alone in this.

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