
Anonymous employee survey responses accidentally sent to whole company. I’m a bit uncomfortable with how managers responded.

A manager accidentally sent employee survey responses to entire company. Responses are anonymous but people can fairly easily guess who wrote some of the comments. A week has passed and the employees haven't heard any more about it – no apology, no mention of the slip up at all. I personally don't mind, mistakes happen and anyway all my feedback consisted of things I have mentioned publicly. But there are people who trusted that this was anonymous and in confidence, don't they deserve an apology at the very least? The most common feedback was about compensation. (For context, their current employees' salaries and their offers for potential employers don't match market rates atm). Another manager said the following at a meeting with company team leads (very summarised version of their monologue): “People mention salary but it's not about salary. They just want to be recognised for their hard work. After…

A manager accidentally sent employee survey responses to entire company. Responses are anonymous but people can fairly easily guess who wrote some of the comments. A week has passed and the employees haven't heard any more about it – no apology, no mention of the slip up at all. I personally don't mind, mistakes happen and anyway all my feedback consisted of things I have mentioned publicly. But there are people who trusted that this was anonymous and in confidence, don't they deserve an apology at the very least?

The most common feedback was about compensation. (For context, their current employees' salaries and their offers for potential employers don't match market rates atm). Another manager said the following at a meeting with company team leads (very summarised version of their monologue):

“People mention salary but it's not about salary. They just want to be recognised for their hard work. After a certain point, more money doesn't bring more happiness.”

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