
Being disciplined for telling my manager I am taking disability leave while she was away

Looking for some general advice/ words of wisdom from other office drones who hate their jobs and everyone they work with. The week before last my manager was off all week- she is the manager who oversees my day to day tasks etc. On the Thursday I had a meeting with the highest level of HR people for my grad scheme, about some harassment I had in my last department. I’ve been pushing to get disability leave for ages, and they finally gave me the go ahead so I could get my treatment together and take a week to rest. I have two managers, the day-to-day one, and another one who oversees my performance on the grad scheme. Any HR, sick leave etc has to go through him, and then I tell my day to day manager. I sent him a message requesting the disability leave that HR had recommended,…

Looking for some general advice/ words of wisdom from other office drones who hate their jobs and everyone they work with.

The week before last my manager was off all week- she is the manager who oversees my day to day tasks etc. On the Thursday I had a meeting with the highest level of HR people for my grad scheme, about some harassment I had in my last department. I’ve been pushing to get disability leave for ages, and they finally gave me the go ahead so I could get my treatment together and take a week to rest.

I have two managers, the day-to-day one, and another one who oversees my performance on the grad scheme. Any HR, sick leave etc has to go through him, and then I tell my day to day manager. I sent him a message requesting the disability leave that HR had recommended, and he put in the request on the system. He had to wait for approval, and then sent me a message on Friday mid-day telling me I was approved for disability leave the next week (I can only have 5 days leave). I said okay, and sent an email to my day to day manager to catch her up on the situation. I wrote down everything I did that week while she was away, and what I was planning on doing whilst on leave, and my reasons for requesting leave.

She was away the whole week, and the initial conversation with HR only happened on the Thursday, so it was not at all a planned absence, and I told her as soon as I could. I took last week off, and feel a load better for it.

This morning I logged in and had a meeting with my day-to-day manager. She was livid that I had not told her sooner, and that I should try harder to communicate with her. I said that it was unplanned, and only approved on Friday, so I messaged her as soon as I physically could. She said I need to think more into the future and think about others who had to cover for me (no one had to, I do a pointless non-essential office job, with no upcoming deadlines).

I don’t really know what she expected- she was on holiday and I didn’t want to call her personal phone to tell her.

Anyone else had similar situations and able to advise on where to go from here?

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