
Laid off for having a bad back.

Took a job 2 months ago as a nursery (edit: flowers and plants) employee. Didnt realize that the work would not be at the nursery, but instead, would be out at peoples house's, installing complete landscapes, digging in trees weighing hundred of pounds in the Florida sun. Gave it my all. 2 months is all my back lasted without pain every breath. I had a bad back 10 yrs ago, rehabbed it, got it better. No insurance at this job, so I took no it upon myself to rehab my back on days off…but now I realize my body has aged, to where I don't recover in time to work 100% the next day. Today, they told me just to not come back, bc I just couldn't work at the pace they needed me too, and had no desk job or light duty available for me there. Moral of the…

Took a job 2 months ago as a nursery (edit: flowers and plants) employee. Didnt realize that the work would not be at the nursery, but instead, would be out at peoples house's, installing complete landscapes, digging in trees weighing hundred of pounds in the Florida sun. Gave it my all. 2 months is all my back lasted without pain every breath.

I had a bad back 10 yrs ago, rehabbed it, got it better. No insurance at this job, so I took no it upon myself to rehab my back on days off…but now I realize my body has aged, to where I don't recover in time to work 100% the next day.

Today, they told me just to not come back, bc I just couldn't work at the pace they needed me too, and had no desk job or light duty available for me there.

Moral of the story folks, it is common practice in America to use people up, and throw them out when they aren't good enough anymore. Especially in small businesses. Always get something with benefits, or you will end up being that 40 something yr old guy, living out the rest of his days with his parents and a crippled back.

That won't be me, bc I refuse to let it be so. But it very well could have been me if I had kept doing this ridiculous job with no benefits or insurance.

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