
I walked out!

So, I work in community care. Met my partner in the company (woohoo!) And that's been smooth sailing with he and I since. The company recently had a change in management. Our old manager was vastly underappreciated. She would cover shifts herself, managed the rotas, the office and staff independently. She was a ROCK, a literal cornerstone of the company. But because the owners didn't appreciate her value, she burnt out and she has quit. Shortly after she let us know she was leaving, my partner quit and got a new job. I said I'd stick it out and see what the new manager was like. New manager refuses to give staff rotas. Refuses to contact staff unless it's via email. Won't work evenings or weekends (sorry, but healthcare doesn't stop at 5pm on a Friday!) She's frequently left shifts uncovered on weekends leading to whomever is on call scrambling…

So, I work in community care. Met my partner in the company (woohoo!) And that's been smooth sailing with he and I since.

The company recently had a change in management. Our old manager was vastly underappreciated. She would cover shifts herself, managed the rotas, the office and staff independently. She was a ROCK, a literal cornerstone of the company. But because the owners didn't appreciate her value, she burnt out and she has quit. Shortly after she let us know she was leaving, my partner quit and got a new job. I said I'd stick it out and see what the new manager was like.

New manager refuses to give staff rotas. Refuses to contact staff unless it's via email. Won't work evenings or weekends (sorry, but healthcare doesn't stop at 5pm on a Friday!) She's frequently left shifts uncovered on weekends leading to whomever is on call scrambling to find staff. She hasn't met the clients or some of the staff. Refuses to.

She's forced us to use a digital record keeping system (fine), but didn't actually talk to any of the staff. Just told us that's what we are using and we don't get a choice.

Because of her reluctance to actually do her job, I've found myself stepping up because I actually give a toss about the clients. I liaised with nurses, NOK, covered shifts at the last minute and made miracles happen with childcare. I dealt with a death, single handedly btw, and got “thanks for dealing with it for me”

I'd been feeling underappreciated and fed up, but stayed for my clients. This weekend just gone she left another shift uncovered, we had 2 new clients whose family had no idea what was going on or what was needed (think incontinence pads, hair wash products etc). We didn't have NOK details and I met the family by chance, walked them through what they'd need and they were grateful. The uncovered shift was a disaster. The clients weren't attended to for their morning calls until almost lunchtime. The director sent out a message praising the staff that helped out. I would have helped but wasn't asked. After using my personal phone to contact families, nurses, manage new clients and deal with a coworker who is… less than qualified or willing to work… I snapped and had enough. Called the director yesterday and told him I quit.

He told me I was being “too emotional, taking things personally” and he “said thank you [Saturday]”. His attitude, minimalising and trivialising how I felt reinforced that I had absolutely done the right thing.

Anyways, I got offered a new job within the hour! Better pay and more hours too!!

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