
Sick Days Traded for Off Days?

My boss thinks if you call out sick, you’re basically trading that day for your regularly scheduled day off because ‘why would you get two days off?’ I argue that a sick day isn’t a day off considering you’re most likely not getting any personal errands done and are just laying in your house miserable. I’m a salaried worker in at-will state and I never signed any kind of employment contract. If my boss pressures me to trade a sick day for an off day, can I tell him to shove it?

My boss thinks if you call out sick, you’re basically trading that day for your regularly scheduled day off because ‘why would you get two days off?’
I argue that a sick day isn’t a day off considering you’re most likely not getting any personal errands done and are just laying in your house miserable.
I’m a salaried worker in at-will state and I never signed any kind of employment contract.
If my boss pressures me to trade a sick day for an off day, can I tell him to shove it?

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